Senior Pastor, Eighth Day Church
Since 1993 Apostle David Brinson has touched the hearts of many around the world as a teacher of the Gospel, worship pastor and recording artist. He and his wife of 26 years, Pastor April Brinson, served with the US Air Force for a combined 27 years in foreign countries such as Korea, Canada, Cuba, Italy and countless others. While serving in Italy, he was led to plant a ministry and faithfully served as Senior Pastor of the Center of Praise Church of God in Christ, under the leadership of then, Elder Leon Ross (Germany Jurisdiction).
By God’s sovereign plan, in 2001, just ten days prior to the nation’s September 11th experience, Brinson was honorably discharged from the US Air Force and accepted the invitation to serve as both Associate and Music Pastor at New Hope International Church in Fort Valley, GA. He served faithfully for 11 years, under then Bishop Jeff Poole, when God spoke to the heart of both Brinson and Bishop Poole for him to transfer to Orlando, FL to assist Bishop Clint Brown with his Worship and Music Ministry. There Brinson was able to rebuild the Worship team into a stronger, more effective and cohesive unit. During service with Bishop Brown, a new movement of “RELEASE” was birthed that reached across America and beyond the borders to draw in leaders from around the world, who were interested in experiencing another depth in the presence of God. It was during this time that Apostle Paula White consulted with Brown on having Brinson assist her with ministry commitments in Tampa, Lakeland and Orlando.
Once released in 2012, and for the next two years of serving with Apostle Paula White, she recognized Pastor Brinson was called into full-time ministry as a senior pastor. She established a Pastors-In-Training team to begin preparing Brinson and others for their role as Senior Pastors, to be sent out as God directed.
By January 2014, with his family already in agreement and open to God, Brinson began to sense a beckoning from God to return to Warner Robins, GA to serve as a Senior Pastor. Immediately, he consulted with Apostle White. Brinson, his wife, and Apostle White joined together in prayer to seek direction and further instruction from God.
Seven months later, the Brinson's were ordained. They, along with their two children, Khaira and Rafael, were sent forth to establish a new work in Warner Robins, GA, which God called Eighth Day Church.
On September 8, 2014, prayer and worship services commenced for the new work in Georgia. In a short time, God sent dedicated, excited servants to help build a Spirit-filled, Spirit-led, apostolic, prophetic, God-centered, worshipping church. Apostle David and Pastor April Brinson are delighted to have returned to serve. At Eighth Day Church the Brinson’s work to equip believers to become whole, powerful, and purposed disciples of Jesus Christ through sound biblical teaching.
Originally, from Leesburg, FL, Apostle Brinson carries a mantle that stretches much farther than his well-known musical abilities as both a musician and a singer. His passions for prayer, intercession, and mentorship have influenced so many lives around the world. His lifestyle of worship speaks volumes and has proven effective in raising the next generation of worshippers and leaders. Brinson resides in Warner Robins, GA with his wife, April and they are excited about what God is doing in the Central GA area and beyond.