We're so glad you're thinking about visiting or have decided to visit Eighth Day Church. Read below to learn more about what to expect when you worship or connect with us.

Frequently Asked Questions
What does a typical service look like at Eighth Day?
We like to stay open to the Spirit of God. BUT you can rest assured that we will always pray, worship the Lord and hear a Word from God. Now in what order and exactly what that looks like depends on whatever God wants to do. It's HIS church.
We start service promptly at 10:00 AM and from there the service belongs to God. We don't apologize for being a Spirit-filled, and Spirit-led church. We love God and we are honored to flow with Him every week.
A "Co-Laborer" in church? What does that mean?
Haven't heard or seen that term used in church before? We understand. It’s different. We don’t refer to our church family as “members” or “partners” anymore (nothing wrong with those who do). We just choose to emphasize:
When we make an intentional decision to connect as a local body, we’re not just a part to say we’re a part. We connect so we can do the work of the Lord alongside fellow Believers and build the Kingdom! Co-laboring is just that… working and serving together.
What will my child experience?
We love making Jesus exciting for our kids and youth! Our Eighth Day Kids (EDK) program is on Facebook
and Instagram.That's the best way to see all the fun they have. EDK check in is open most Sundays for grades Kindergarten through 5th grade, from 9:45 AM-10:15 AM.
Our Eighth Day Youth (EDY) program is also on Instagram. EDY is open most Wednesdays* for all Middle and High School Students at 7:00 PM but the cut off to check in is 7:15 PM.
How does a guest join or connect officially?
If you've been visiting or watching online and have prayerfully decided Eighth Day is where you (and your family) want to be, send us an email at info@eighthdaychurch.com to share your interest with us.
You can also let any leader or greeter at church know and they can help get your message to the right person. We have a Co-Laborer form that we ask all new Co-Laborers to complete. We will go over it with you and answer any questions you may have.